
Written by kane no comments
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untitled (shadows), 2000
This was my contribution to a group show at the Ikon Gallery in Birmingham, UK. Over the course of two weeks, I installed a series of drawings in parking lots throughout the city. The drawings are based on the shape of my shadow as it falls inside of a parking space at a certain point during the day. No information was given linking the drawings to the exhibition. Drawing locations were made available to the museum visitors upon request. The drawings are made with white chalk, left to be washed away by wind and rain.

Almost Home (Pleasantville Station)

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Almost Home (Pleasantville Station), 2003
In collaboration with Jane Greengold. Commission for the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, New York. A permanent installation of 22 bronze casts of common household chairs. The chairs are arranged in informal clusters throughout the train station.


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Livewire, 2004
A custom-made cable with 2 male ends is plugged into existing sockets on opposite sides of a room. Electricity is taken from one socket, moved through the room, and then sent out again via the second socket.


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untitled (solaria), 2004
A custom-made light fixture with a lamp tube from a tanning bed.


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Rorschach, 2005
Two television sets, tuned to the same channel. One set has been modified such that the right-left orientation of its image is reversed. Placed next to each other, the two create a live-feed continuously changing Rorschach..