Wish you were here

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Wish you were here, 2011.
Cross-eyed 3D self-portrait. Two photos taken from slightly different angles. Viewed with the right technique, the two photos combine to form an illusionistic three- dimensional image in the mind of the viewer.

The Longest Day

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The Longest Day, 2011.
A 24-hour recording of my heart-rate from June 21, the summer solstice of 2011, made during a residency at Platform in Vaasa, Finland. For an exhibition at the local art museum, I expressed the recording in terms of birch saplings collected from the forests nearby. Each one of the 1440 saplings represent my heart-rate for one minute of that day.

My signature as forged by the board of Platform

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My signature as forged by the board of Platform, 2011.
I was selected for an residency in Vaasa, Finland by the artist collective Platform. Afterward, they invited me to participate an exhibition celebrating their 10th year anniversary. For the exhibition, the board of director of Platform learned to forge my signature, their forgeries were shown in the exhibition.

The Artist as Sculpted by the Students of The Crawford College of Art and Design

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The Artist as Sculpted by the Students of The Crawford College of Art and Design, 2011
During a residency at the Sirius Art Center in Cobh, Ireland, I organized a figure-sculpting workshop at the Crawford College of Art and Design. The workshop was led by two professors from the college. Students were invited to participate in the workshop. I was the model for the workshop. At the end of the workshop, with the students' permission, I made plaster casts of the sculptures they made of me. The plaster casts were exhibited at the Sirius Art Center in February of 2013.


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Heartbeat, 2011
A red bicycle blinker connected to a two-way radio. The radio receives the signal from a second radio that is connected to a heart rate monitor. I wear this heart rate monitor for the duration of the vernissage, and finissage. The beating of my heart is expressed in the blinking of the bicycle light.